by Robert Savina
At LTV studios in East Hampton, NY (1993)
Directed and Designed by Maria Pessino
Robert Savina takes us on a bicycle journey across the USA and into the Rosebud Reservation, where he meets Russell Means, the Oglala Sioux Native American leader. Four Brothers and Whiskeyville were both produced in NYC. For the past 5 years, Mr. Savina has worked as a production designer for feature film.
Russell Means has lived a life like few others in this century – revered for his selfless accomplishments and remarkable bravery. He was born into a society and guided by a way of life that gently denies the self in order to promote the survival and betterment of family and community. His culture is driven by tradition, which at once links the past to the present. The L.A. Times has called him the most famous American Indian since Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. His indomitable sense of pride and leadership has become embedded in our national character.
Robert Savina, Ken Weisinger, Frances Alenikoff
In addition to the play, Oddfellows Playhouse presents a series of events, which address Native American issues, such a symposiums with Native Women of the Americas, lectures by Dennis Banks (Ashinabe) and professor John Strong, children’s workshops by Elisabeth Haile, from the Shinnecock Reservation.

Natives Talk
Dan's Papers - July 23, 1993
view article (pdf)
Playhouse Celebrates Indian Heritage
The New York Times - July 18, 1993
Thomas Clavin
view article (pdf)
Culture Vulture - Photo
Hamptons - August 6, 1993
Photo by Renate
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AIM Founder Speaks
The Southampton Press - July 15, 1993
view article (pdf)